What’s on YOUR Dream Board? What?!? You don’t have one? Well, get one!
by Melinda FolseI woke up this morning with the idea of creating a Midlife Horses Dream Board. Now, I am the first one to admit this is not an original idea. I think it was called a “vision board” in The Secret. And before that, Sarah Ban Breathnach advised us in Simple Abundance to clip words and pictures that attracted us and keep them in a box or folder whose name escapes me. So this is not really new, but applying it to our midlife horse dreams, it is. For me, anyway.
Then, when I checked in to see what was going on today in our Facebook community, Barbara Searson Gerken posted a picture of a sliding stop that literally jumped off the screen at me. THIS is something I’d like to feel someday. Not every day, and no I don’t want a new horse. I just think this must be once of those indescribable sensations that has to be experienced to be fully appreciated.
We all have our horse dreams. That is what brought us back to this place. Those dreams are why we are here on the Midlife horse trail. And yes, some of our dreams have changed, some have become more refined, and either more or less ambitious, depending on who we are and where we are on this journey.
But if you can manage it, grab a few quiet moments today (preferably in a row) and let your mind meander back to the first time you were inspired by a horse. Whether you were watching someone else ride, reading a book (Who wasn’t inspired by Walter Farley’s description of Alec Ramsey riding The Black at a full gallop along the beach in The Black Stallion?), watching a horse move, either in real life or across the silver screen (Does anybody remember the release scene in Electric Horseman? Can anyone watch that without getting verklempt?) What WAS it that first sparked your dreams of horses?
Midlife Horses, above all, are a return ticket to our dreams. I helping us remember who we really are — and how to be true to that person, they encourage our imagination to romp freely — and even to kick up its heels once in a while. I’d love to hear your stories, and I know the rest of us would, too! Not only is it fun to remember and tell each other our personal horse stories (as my dad is fond of saying, sometimes we just want to hear our stories again ourselves!)
Our love of great horse stories and even our first horse dreams is something we all have in common, so share! SHare!! SHARE!!! Comment here, post on our Facebook fan page (and if you havent’ already, give us a “like!”, twitter, or send me a private email and I’ll be happy to craft your story for you!
And don’t stop there. If you don’t have a Dream Board of some sort inspired by someone, somewhere, GET ONE. Don’t overthink this. Anything will do, even if it’s just a blank space of wall. I have an inexpensive corkboard just outside my office door that I look at many times a day. And I have to tell you, every time I take the time and stop to look at the words, phrases and pictures I’ve thumbtacked up there, I feel good. And I also must tell you that many if not most of those dreams are somewhere in the process of coming true. (I’m really concentrating right now on the big bathtub, inspired by last week’s episode of Two Broke Girls, but that’s another story for another time.)
So get back in touch with your dreams today, clear yourself off some sort of Dream Board, and keep your eyes open for things to put on it. Then watch the magic unfold. Remember, you’ve got to lay it out before it can unfold. That’s all I’m sayin’. Besides, of course,