Millionaire Remix: Special Reports
by Melinda FolseIn helping launch and serving as senior writer for Arlington, Texas-based Millionaire Blueprints Magazine, I had the amazing opportunity to ask the questions everyone wants to ask successful entrepreneurs. The result of writing these step-by-step success stories was Time Warner’s award-winning entrepreneurial magazine, named in 2005 by The NewsGroup, its national wholesale distributor, as “one of the most successful new magazine releases in the past 30 years.”
When I first met Tom Spinks and heard his vision for creating a magazine from his dream of providing aspiring entrepreneurs with real information they could really use — specific directions, examples, guidelines and instructions from self-made millionaires willing to share the details of their stories with others — I was intrigued. When the kudos and success stories started rolling in about how people’s careers and lives were changed by something I had written, I was hooked.
To learn more about my experience of writing the “how-to” success stories of some of America’s top entrepreneurs, check back here each month for my soon-to-be published Special Reports. Gathering the wisdom and sharing the timeless reflections of dozens of outstanding business leaders, these special collections of stories will bring writers and entrepreneurs alike information and inspiration geared to move them forward on making their own dreams become reality.