How many new tricks can a middle aged dog learn?
by Melinda Folse
It’s my nature to push the envelope. But this time, if you’ll pardon the mixed metaphor, I’ve jumped into the deep end of the ocean using only the aforementioned envelope as a flotation device. Can somebody out there throw me a line?
In anticipation of the July 1 launch of my new book, The Smart Woman’s Guide to Midlife Horses, I’m trying to build an online community around the same concepts and ideas that evolved into this book. In addition to this blog, you can access this interconnected hub of information viaFacebook, YouTube, and Flickr.My goal is to create a virtual gathering place for those of us enjoying our midlife horses — a sweet spot of sharing, commiserating, celebrating, swapping advice and resources — generally the kind of barn chatter that invites the whole world to join our circle.
The catch? I don’t really know how to do any of this. I’m a writer. I dabble in photography. I’m impressed with the reach and opportunity of all this gee whiz technology and social media. I have the world’s best intentions. So here we go. With this lofty goal in mind and Trafalgar Square’s encouragement (and maybe a little occasional prodding) I embark on a new odyssey to see if I can get all the way around the learning curve by the time this book hits the streets. Wish me luck. And bravery. And patience with my self and others. And easy access to good enough take-out that my family doesn’t mutiny. In this bottomless box of chocolates, you really never DO know what you’re gonna get.
With the aforementioned luck, I’ll be setting it all up and adding content to this blog, Facebook, YouTube, and Flickr to share various moments in my midlife horse journey (some are pretty embarrassing, I’ll have to say), and the photos and stories of the people I’ve met and interviewed in the process of developing this book. All this editing and uploading and tagging is going to probably take me a while, however, so please check back often to see how I’m doing! (feedback and notes of encouragement or advice welcome!!)
This is just to prime the pump, however. What I really want is for you to send me your stories, pictures, videos (camera phones welcome!) and insights. For this to become the gathering place I envisioned, everyone sharing their input and experiences here will give us a place to continue our learning, find the encouragement we need, encourage each other, brag on our accomplishments, laugh at ourselves (and maybe a little at each other, because we’ve all been there), and keep feeding the special kind of joy only midlife horses can bring.
And, hey (or as our horses would say, “HAY!!!”), we’re all in this together! So once a week or so, let’s meet for a virtual “happy hour” (grab a glass of wine or other beverage of choice and kick back and check in with this specially created online community all our own! Join the fun, the discussions, the debates, the laughter and camaraderis only midlife horses can inspire. While the journey we take with our midlife horses is a journey of each individual soul, it’s nice to know there’s good company on this trail — and for what it’s worth, I’m here to help you connect with each other!
Happy Trails!!